Thursday 20 November 2008

Saturday #2

Saturday the 22nd of November, and we're off for races three and four.
  • First race at 13:00,
  • Second at 14:00.
There will be a brief discussion before racing, some tips - possibly ;-), and afterwards a session where you can ask questions about the more technical aspects of racing -
  • Did everything go to plan?
  • Did something go wrong?
  • Where did it go wrong?
  • How did "so and so" get past me on that mark?
  • Did they really have right of way?
  • How could I have avoided letting them through?
Come along and have some fun, see you all at 12:00 onwards.

Weather forecast for the day:

Wind Guru:
Met Check:

With a North North Westerly wind of 19 knots dropping off to 9 knots it should be a good afternoon's sailing.

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