Saturday 1 November 2008

RRoS 2005-08 Pt3


The notice of race and sailing instructions shall be made available to each boat before a race begins. The meanings of the visual and sound signals stated in Race Signals shall not be changed except under rule 86.1(b). The meanings of any other signals that may be used shall be stated in the sailing instructions.

Races shall be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded.
Signal Flag and sound Minutes before starting signal
Warning Class flag; 1 sound 5*
Preparatory P, I, Z, Z with I, or black flag; 1 sound 4
One-minute Preparatory flag removed; 1 long sound 1
Starting Class flag removed; 1 sound 0
*or as stated in the sailing instructions The warning signal for each succeeding class shall be made with or after the starting signal of the preceding class.

27.1 No later than the warning signal, the race committee shall signal or otherwise designate the course to be sailed if the sailing instructions have not stated the course, and it may replace one course signal with another and signal that wearing personal buoyancy is required (display flag Y with one sound).
27.2 No later than the preparatory signal, the race committee may move a starting mark and may apply rule 30.
27.3 Before the starting signal, the race committee may for any reason postpone (display flag AP, AP over H, or AP over A, with two sounds) or abandon the race (display flag N over H, or N over A, with three sounds).

28.1 A boat shall start, leave each mark on the required side in the correct order, and finish, so that a string representing her wake after starting and until finishing would when drawn taut pass each mark on the required side and touch each rounding mark. She may correct any errors to comply with this rule. After finishing she need not cross the finishing line completely.
28.2 A boat may leave on either side a mark that does not begin, bound or end the leg she is on. However, she shall leave a starting mark on the required side when she is approaching the starting line from its prestart side to start.

29.1 Individual Recall
When at a boat’s starting signal any part of her hull, crew or equipment is on the course side of the starting line or she must comply with rule 30.1, the race committee shall promptly display flag X with one sound. The flag shall be displayed until all such boats are completely on the pre-start side of the starting line or its extensions and have complied with rule 30.1 if it applies, but not later than four minutes after the starting signal or one minute before any later starting signal,
whichever is earlier.
29.2 General Recall
When at the starting signal the race committee is unable to identify boats that are on the course side of the starting line or to which rule 30 applies, or there has been an error in the starting procedure, the race committee may signal a general recall (display the First Substitute with two sounds). The warning signal for a new start for the recalled class shall be made one minute after the First Substitute is removed (one sound), and the starts for any succeeding classes shall follow the
new start.

30.1 Round-an-End Rule
If flag I has been displayed, and any part of a boat’s hull, crew or equipment is on the course side of the starting line or its extensions during the minute before her starting signal, she shall thereafter sail from the course side across an extension to the pre-start side before starting.
30.2 20% Penalty Rule
If flag Z has been displayed, no part of a boat’s hull, crew or equipment shall be in the triangle formed by the ends of the starting line and the first mark during the minute before her starting signal. If a boat breaks this rule and is identified, she shall receive, without a hearing, a 20% scoring penalty calculated as stated in rule 44.3(c). She shall be penalized even if the race is restarted, resailed or rescheduled, but not if it is postponed or abandoned before the starting signal.
30.3 Black Flag Rule
If a black flag has been displayed, no part of a boat’s hull, crew or equipment shall be in the triangle formed by the ends of the starting line and the first mark during the minute before her starting signal. If a boat breaks this rule and is identified, she shall be disqualified without a hearing, even if the race is restarted, resailed or rescheduled, but not if it is postponed or abandoned before the starting signal. If a general recall is signalled or the race is abandoned after the starting signal, the race committee shall display her sail number before the next warning
signal for that race, and if the race is restarted or resailed she shall not sail in it. If she does so, her disqualification shall not be excluded in calculating her series score. If this rule applies rule 29.1 does not.

31.1 While racing, a boat shall not touch a starting mark before starting, a mark that begins, bounds or ends the leg of the course on which she is sailing, or a finishing mark after finishing.
31.2 A boat that has broken rule 31.1 may, after getting well clear of other boats as soon as possible, take a penalty by promptly making one turn including one tack and one gybe. When a boat takes the penalty after touching a finishing mark, she shall sail completely to the course side of the line before finishing. However, if a boat has gained a significant advantage in the race or series by touching the mark her penalty shall be to retire.

32.1 After the starting signal, the race committee may shorten the course (display flag S with two sounds) or abandon the race (display flag N, N over H, or N over A, with three sounds), as appropriate, (a) because of an error in the starting procedure, (b) because of foul weather, (c) because of insufficient wind making it unlikely that any boat will finish within the time limit, (d) because a mark is missing or out of position, or (e) for any other reason directly affecting the safety or fairness of the competition, or may shorten the course so that other scheduled races can be sailed. However, after one boat has sailed the course and finished within the time limit, if any, the race committee shall not abandon the race without
considering the consequences for all boats in the race or series.
32.2 If the race committee signals a shortened course (displays flag S with two sounds), the finishing line shall be, (a) at a rounding mark, between the mark and a staff displaying flag S; (b) at a line boats are required to cross at the end of each lap, that line; (c) at a gate, between the gate marks.

The race committee may change a leg of the course that begins at a rounding mark by changing the position of the next mark (or the finishing line) and signalling all boats before they begin the leg. The next mark need not be in position at that time.
(a) If the direction of the leg will be changed, the signal shall be the display of flag C with repetitive sounds and either (1) the new compass bearing or (2) a green triangular flag or board for a change to starboard or a red rectangular flag or board for a change to port. (b) If the length of the leg will be changed, the signal shall be the display of flag C with repetitive sounds and a ‘–’ if the leg will be shortened or a ‘+’ if the leg will be lengthened. (c) Subsequent legs may be changed without further signalling to maintain the course shape.

If a mark is missing or out of position, the race committee shall, if possible, (a) replace it in its correct position or substitute a new one of similar appearance, or
(b) substitute an object displaying flag M and make repetitive sound signals.

If one boat sails the course as required by rule 28.1 and finishes within the time limit, if any, all boats that finish shall be scored according to their finishing places unless the race is abandoned. If no boat finishes within the time limit, the race committee shall abandon the race.

If a race is restarted or resailed, a breach of a rule, other than rule 30.3, in the original race shall not prohibit a boat from competing or, except under rule 30.2, 30.3 or 69, cause her to be penalized.

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