Saturday 1 November 2008

RRoS 2005 - 2008

The Racing Rules of Sailing 2005 - 2008

You might find the current Racing Rules of Sailing a little complex, if you do have a read at this book.

This is a quote from the introduction:

    This book is primarily for competitive sailors who race in dinghies and keelboats. The Racing Rules of Sailing apply to all forms of sailboat racing, though there are some variations for sailboards, match racing, team racing, radio controlled boat racing, etc. I have aimed to examine about one hundred situations that are a regular feature of both championship and club racing. I look at these situations from the point of view of you the helmsman. Placing you in each of the boats involved in turn, I explain your rights and your obligations. Being confident about this knowledge not only means you avoid breaking a rule and having to take a penalty, but that you can concentrate on exploiting the situation to gain boat lengths over your immediate rivals.
Bryan Willis: 2005-2008 The Racing Rules in Practice

ISBN: 1-904475-14-0

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