Sunday 2 November 2008

Race Watches

The 5, 4, 1, 0 starting sequence is the most common way to start sailing races, and is used throughout the racing circuit both in the UK and across the world.

We will be using this sequence for "Handicap" race starts, so it's worthwhile getting a watch that can count down and can also keep track of elapsed time during the race.

The Big Yellow one is the more expensive of the two at about £45 from many sailing outlets. The Casio one is available from Argos at round about £20, and is favoured by many as both a sailing watch and a watch for everyday. The choice is up to you.

Class racing is slightly different, in that the starting classes are set off at two minute intervals, this means that for each class the starting sequence is 4, 2, 0.

Classes start in the following order:
  • Laser

  • Fast Handicap

  • Enterprise

  • GP 14

  • Slow Handicap

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